If you would like to be included in the Who's Who list for the Pagemaker Bitnet List, please fill out the following survey form and then send it to me. Your responses will then be added to both the WHOSWHO.TXT and STATS.TXT files. Thank you for the interest -- Maybe we can create a Pagemaker/DTP network out there! Geof. [71532.742@Compuserve.com] Beginning of Questionnaire -------------------------------------- Full Name: Nick Name: Email Address: Profession: Address: State, Country: Telephone: A brief description of who you are, what makes you tick -- anything you are willing to tell us about yourself! The following is some statistical information that I hope to compile for the list as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Which platform do you use: Mac? PC? NeXT? Unix-based? Which platform do you prefer for DTP: Mac? NeXT? PC? UNIX-based? Which platform fo you prefer overall: (same areas as above) Are you subscribed yet or plan to subscribe to Quark? Your favorite DTP program (Pagemaker, Quark, etc): Your favorite Draw program (Corel, MicroGraphix): Your major in college (if you attended): What one (or two) capabilities do you feel that Pagemaker should possess in the next release? ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for spending the time to answer the questions. If you have any suggestions, let me know. I will post the compiliation in a few weeks. Geof.